The Iraqi Chapter Against Epilepsy

الرابطة العراقية ضد الصرع

About Iraqi Chapter Against Epilepsy

Established in 1999 in Baghdad

The Iraqi Chapter Against Epilepsy (The Iraqi League Against Epilepsy) was established in 1999 in Baghdad - the Neurological Center Hospital. It is part of the International League Against Epilepsy, which was founded in 1909 AD.

Sarmad Al-Fahd (first president of the Association)

Among the founders of the Iraqi Association are Professor Sarmad Al-Fahd (first president of the Association), Professor Abdul Muttalib Abdul Karim (former vice president and current president), Dr. Sameer Hassan Abboud, Dr. Ghaieb Bashar Al-Jandeel, and Dr. Mufeed Muhammad Saeed. The first session ended its work in 2005.The second session of the Iraqi League was elected in 2010 at Al-Kindi Hospital in Baghdad.


Epilepsy and neurological illnesses are prevented, diagnosed, and managed, as are the accompanying premature mortality and morbidity. 

People with epilepsy and their families obtain the highest level of wellness possible, with equal rights, opportunity, dignity, and independence.

  • For minimizing the weight of epilepsy and other neurological illnesses, as well as associated mortality, morbidity, and disability, through the introduction of new government policies in Iraq before 2026.
  • To improve the quality of life for people with epilepsy, along with their caregivers and families, by enhancing the level of health care offered to PWE and enacting the Act Against Epilepsy Discrimination in Iraq by 2026.
  • What we had achived

    • Eastern Mediterranean Epilepsy Course held for the first time in Iraq, August, 2023 in Saad Al Witry Neurosciences Hospital in Baghdad.
    • IqLAE success to held the 1st Iraqi Epilepsy Conference in Baghdad, December 1st & 2nd, 2023.
    • IqLAE celebrating the annual ceremony of World Epilepsy Day on 2nd Monday of February each year& Purple day on March 26th annually.
    • Developing of website on Internet and social media pages for Iraqi League Against Epilepsy.

    What in Future Plan

    • Hosting the 7th Eastern Mediterranean Epilepsy Congress that held the first in Baghdad conjointly with 2nd Iraqi Epilepsy Conference on 12th-14th of upcoming December.
    • Establishing the International Bureau for Epilepsy chapter in Iraq.
    • Founding local Clinicians and Families Association.
    • And More

    Iraqi Chapter Against Epilepsy Board

    Dr. Abd Al-Muttalib 

    Abd Al-Karim Al-Shaikhli


    Dr. Ghaieb Bashar


    General Secretary of the Association and its official spokesman

    Dr. Akram Muhammad



    Dr. Muhammad Abd

    Al-Sattar Kamel


    Dr. Haider Kathum Hassoun


    Dr. Zaki Nouh Al-Moussawi


    Dr. Hala Raouf


    Dr. Nibal Wael


    Dr. Moataz Fairouz


    Dr. Adel Abdul-Ilah


    Dr. Namir Al-Taleb


    Dr. Sajid Al-Husseini


    Dr. Ahmed Tahseen


    Dr. Wameed Essam Matti


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