About Iraqi Chapter Against Epilepsy
The Iraqi League Against Epilepsy
The Iraqi Chapter Against Epilepsy (The Iraqi League Against Epilepsy) was established in 1999 in Baghdad - the Neurological Center Hospital. It is part of the International League Against Epilepsy, which was founded in 1909 AD.
Among the founders of the Iraqi Association are Professor Sarmad Al-Fahd (first president of the Association), Professor Abdul Muttalib Abdul Karim (former vice president and current president), Dr. Sameer Hassan Abboud, Dr. Ghaieb Bashar Al-Jandeel, and Dr. Mufeed Muhammad Saeed. The first session ended its work in 2005.The second session of the Iraqi League was elected in 2010 at Al-Kindi Hospital in Baghdad.
The current session of the Iraqi League Against Epilepsy consists of Dr. Abd al-Muttalib Abd al-Karim al-Shaikhli (President), Dr. Ghaieb Bashar Al-Jandeel (General Secretary of the Association and its official spokesman), Dr. Akram Muhammad al-Mahdawi (Vice-President), Dr. Muhammad Abd al-Sattar Kamel (Treasurer), and each of the members: Dr. Haider Kathum Hassoun, Dr. Zaki Nouh Al-Moussawi, Dr. Hala Raouf, Dr. Nibal Wael, Dr. Moataz Fairouz, Dr. Adel Abdul-Ilah, Dr. Namir Al-Taleb, Dr. Sajid Al-Husseini, Dr. Ahmed Tahseen, and Dr. Wameed Essam Matti.
The Iraqi Association is committed to the International Plan to Combat Epilepsy (Intersectoral Global Action Plan), which was approved by the World Health Organization (WHO) in the year 2022, and which includes several goals that are in the interest of efforts to support people with epilepsy at many levels:
Collaborate with health authorities in the Iraqi Ministry of Health to increase resources and efforts allocated to support people with epilepsy.
Encouraging efforts to gain scientific and practical expertise for doctors and other supporting specialties through participation in courses, conferences and workshops inside and outside the country.
Raise awareness of epilepsy among those who are impacted, their families, and society overall.
Supporting scientific research and learning strategies for epilepsy.
Advocating and working with relevant authorities to approve a law protecting people with epilepsy.
تأسست الرابطة العراقية ضد الصرع في العام ١٩٩٩ في بغداد - مستشفى الجملة العصبية، وهي جزء من الرابطة العالمية ضد الصرع والتي تأسست العام ١٩٠٩م.
من بين المؤسسين للرابطة العراقية هم الأستاذ سرمد الفهد (الرئيس الأول للرابطة) والأستاذ عبد المطلب عبد الكريم (نائب الرئيس السابق والرئيس الحالي) وكل من الدكتور سمير حسن عبود والدكتورغائب بشار الجنديل والدكتور مفيد محمد سعيد. انهت الدورة الاولى اعمالها في العام 2005.
تم انتخاب الدورة الثانية للرابطة العراقية في العام 2010 في مستشفى الكندي في بغداد.
تتألف الدورة الحالية للرابطة العراقية ضد الصرع من الدكتور عبدالمطلب عبدالكريم الشيخلي (الرئيس), والدكتور غائب بشار الجنديل (السكرتير العام للرابطة والناطق الرسمي بإسمها), الدكتور اكرم محمد المهداوي (نائب الرئيس), الدكتور محمد عبدالستار كامل (أمين الصندوق) وكل من الاعضاء: الدكتور حيدر كاظم حسون, الدكتور زكي نوح الموسوي, الدكتورة حلى رؤوف, الدكتورة نبال وائل, الدكتور معتز فيروز, الدكتور عادل عبدالاله, الدكتور نمير الطالب ,الدكتور ساجد الحسيني, الدكتور احمد تحسين والدكتور وميض عصام متي
تلتزم الرابطة العراقية بالخطة الدولية لمكافحة الصرع والتي اقرتها منظمة الصحة العالمية في العام ٢٠٢٢ والمتضمنة عدة اهداف تصب في مصلحة الجهود لمساندة الاشخاص المصابين بالصرع وعلى مستويات عديدة
- العمل مع السلطات الصحية في وزارة الصحة العراقية على زيادة الموارد والجهود المخصصة لدعم الاشخاص المصابين بالصرع
- دعم جهود اكتساب الخبرات العلمية والعملية للاطباء والاختصاصات الاخرى الساندة من خلال المشاركة في الدورات والمؤتمرات وورش العمل داخل وخارج القطر
- زيادة التوعية حول مرض الصرع للاشخاص المصابين وعوائلهم والمجتمع بشكل عام
- دعم الابحاث العلمية وتطويرالحلول لمواجهة الصرع
- الدعوة والعمل مع الجهات ذات العلاقة على اقرار قانون حماية الاشخاص المصابين بالصرع
Epilepsy and neurological illnesses are prevented, diagnosed, and managed, as are the accompanying premature mortality and morbidity.
People with epilepsy and their families obtain the highest level of wellness possible, with equal rights, opportunity, dignity, and independence.
What We Had Achieved:
Eastern Mediterranean Epilepsy Course held for the first time in Iraq, August, 2023 in Saad Al Witry Neurosciences Hospital in Baghdad.
IqLAE success to held the 1st Iraqi Epilepsy Conference in Baghdad, December 1st & 2nd, 2023.
IqLAE celebrating the annual ceremony of World Epilepsy Day on 2nd Monday of February each year& Purple day on March 26th annually.
Developing of website on Internet and social media pages for Iraqi League Against Epilepsy.
What in Future Plans:
Hosting the 7th Eastern Mediterranean Epilepsy Congress that held the first in Baghdad conjointly with 2nd Iraqi Epilepsy Conference on 12th-14th of upcoming December.
Establishing the International Bureau for Epilepsy chapter in Iraq.
Founding local Clinicians and Families Association.
About IGAP
Intersectoral Global Action Plan on Epilepsy and Other Neurological Disorders (IGAP)
The Seventy-third World Health Assembly (WHA) adopted Resolution WHA 73.10 in November 2020, directing the development of an Intersectoral global action plan on epilepsy and other neurological disorders (IGAP) in collaboration with Member States. The action plan will tackle the challenges and gaps in providing care and support for persons with epilepsy and other neurological illnesses around the world, ensuring a complete, coordinated response across sectors.
Four international organizations and 116 Member States endorsed the IGAP during the 75th World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland, in May 2022. On May 27, 2022, WHO member states unanimously adopted the plan. Iraq was one of parties adopted IGAP.
Iraqi Chapter Against Epilepsy Board
Dr. Abd Al-Muttalib
Abd Al-Karim Al-Shaikhli
Dr. Ghaieb Bashar
General Secretary of the Association and its official spokesman
Dr. Akram Muhammad
Dr. Muhammad Abd
Al-Sattar Kamel
Dr. Haider Kathum Hassoun
Dr. Zaki Nouh Al-Moussawi
Dr. Hala Raouf
Dr. Nibal Wael
Dr. Moataz Fairouz
Dr. Adel Abdul-Ilah
Dr. Namir Al-Taleb
Dr. Sajid Al-Husseini
Dr. Ahmed Tahseen
Dr. Wameed Essam Matti
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